Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

(in other lifetimes)
(I can only trust they had their reasons for bending space time so we could meet, just once) I would have loved to host you in my little home. I would have taken out the good linen, the bedding that I rarely use for myself, and spread it with care over the mattress. Smoothed out… Read More
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I imagine a kind of ceremony removed from human hubris (i know it is real I have seen it) I imagine a kind of ceremony where when you open your mouth to tell me the way your body scrapes against sea foam and water-caressed rock when you lift your eyes towards the sky and you… Read More
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Walrus Talks – March 7, 2017
Talk I gave on Fish and Indigenous Law at the Walrus Talks National Tour: We Desire a Better Country, held on March 7, 2017 in Yellowknife.
Published at Urbane Adventurer
endurance (the long durée)
endurance (the long durée)
Sometimes survival (or is it survivance, as Vizenor teaches us? I’m sometimes not sure if I’m just surviving or if I’m entangled in the urgencies beyond survival and manifesting my way firmly towards thriving) — sometimes survival looks like gently closing the door to your...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Tending tenderness and disrupting the myth of academic rock stars
In euro-american academia, the arts, media, politics, and literature we are enthralled, obsessed with two things: ‘innovation’ and individuality. The triumph of individual will to manifest something new new new trumps everything else. Granting agencies often focus on a single Principl...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
heart full to bursting
heart full to bursting
Just when I thought I could not be cracked open any further, when I’d felt I’d swam the depths of the rivers in my veins, it hits me. I love. I love my family. I love my kin. I love the stories that animate us and weave us together. I love the adventures I’ve had.… Read More
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I tried to write something this evening, and as I laboured over the 613 words that I eked out about building academic community, I decided to abandon ship and start over. I want to sit with the sound of paddles dipping into cool lake water forever. I want to glide at the water’s surface and...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
From that unfeeling place (an ethnography of ongoing British colonialism)
I wrote this piece at the invitation of Katarina Stenbeck to accompany an exhibit she curated in Copenhagen at the Kunsthal Charlottenborg (Slow Violence). I want to thank Katarina for reaching out to me to include my work in the show. —– In Métis legal-governance traditions, we draw ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
My sweet and gentle grandmother died two months ago. I got the call from my mom on the morning of April 7, just before I was about to meet some friends for lunch. I had a dream early on in the morning of the 7th, a dream that had strongly informed me she had passed.… Read More
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Encyclopedia of exhaustion: the D-DIC
Welcome to this encyclopedia of exhaustion! It is a new series wherein we will cover clusters of behaviour and ideology in anti-colonial/decolonial spaces which exhaust communities striving to dismantle structural violence. Our inaugural post is on that especially fun complex: the D-DIC! What is ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
allow yourself
allow yourself
What I wish (for you) is to disentangle their hooks from my flesh. Finally let go, let it fall, let it soar. You are not their past. You were and are a jumble of bones and stories moving through time and space, and as you walk down the cobblestone streets, I want you to pause,… Read More
Published at Urbane Adventurer
A list of all the places I’ve had a panic attack (CW: sexual assault)
A list of all the places I’ve had a panic attack (CW: sexual assault)
On the train two hours before my master’s defence when I accidentally locked myself out of my friend’s apartment. In bed. At breakfast. During the Nutrition 100 midterm that I slept in for and had to write on the floor in my pajamas at the front of the classroom (or I may have had a&#...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I am sitting here next to a floor-to-ceiling window and the sun is inching closer to my flesh. I recoil in horror. ‘What if I am not worthy of this warmth?’ my limbs worry. The last five years of transformation and loss, grief and constant running course through this blood, animate ea...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
if there is nothing more to it
if there is nothing more to it
If there is nothing more to it to life than this the sweep of bright light across beige walls a strawberry plant reaching yearning towards the teeming life outside the silence of the radio shutting itself off pause let yourself breathe you are a congregation of cells beating and breathing in unis...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
150 cells. 150 can be big, it can be small. 150 rain drops are but a little splash in a much bigger sea of hope. 150 cancerous cells can do a great deal of damage. And each year that passes, each parade and fireworks-laden celebration in honour of this apoptosis of reason and justice is… Re...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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