Recent Blog Posts - shoelace untied

My Handsome Boys..
My Handsome Boys..
A few family photos we recently had done... Love my boys.Sasha.. why do you torment me so? Or should I say.. love me so? Always mommy, always. 'Out out out!" (Which means 'UP' to you 50% of the time).Always sitting on my lap. Sitting with me on the couch. Mommy has to carry you around. You like t...
Published at shoelace untied
I Think I'm Okay with Four - Happy Birthday Pavel!
I Think I'm Okay with Four - Happy Birthday Pavel!
th rolls around. Just like that. My little big one is four.Every year like clock work I try and slow down the minutes. I try and pause and double up the seconds. Live here and at the same time live then - four years ago. The memories of labour and birth and the first moments. The first visitor we...
Published at shoelace untied
Grumpy grumpy grumpy GRUMP
What is my problem. It's been a while since I've been grumpy.. for days.I can't pin point it. It's not family related.. something is bugging me.Hmmm.I wonder if I'm trying to have all the answers now and don't, so it's making me upset?We just took some family photos and I did not look good - is t...
Published at shoelace untied
Life! What a wonderful weekend.It was full of life.Skating lessons, haircuts, grocery shopping (three times, when will I ever learn to make a list??), family dinners, raking leaves, making pancakes and drinking coffee while the boys play hockey down the hall.(Do you know how many people stopped u...
Published at shoelace untied
The New Pad
The New Pad
We are IN! The big move. It all feels like such a whirlwind. I remember Sheldon saying only months ago - "Maybe we'll just stay in our place now (the duplex) for a few more years and be rich! Let's stay for at least two more years. We can do it."I knew that would never stand. Come on. We lov...
Published at shoelace untied
We're Moving!
We're Moving!
Safeway... I am going to miss you. You and all your airmiles, paying for my gas. The daily trips, the comfort I feel walking down your ailes.Walking - oh walking paths, I miss you already. We really have made miles on you and your winding roads especially to...The Park! Oh no, the park. We love t...
Published at shoelace untied
Sasha, You Are One!
Sasha, You Are One!
Sasha. My little buddy. Today you are an entire year old. I think back at how quickly the time went, but yet at the same time, how slow.Child, you have not been a walk in the park, you have some high maintenance tendencies, but I love you for each one of them.Will you EAT Already??Because you kne...
Published at shoelace untied
Crazy Talk
I know I'm crazy but I'm sitting here right now wishing we were having a third.I want a third!Crazy. Talk.
Published at shoelace untied
The Working Mom Post
Pretty soon that will be us: That person you run into in the grocery store, the one with the gleam in their eyes while they take in a moment you are sharing (good or bad) with your children and tell you.."It goes so fast, enjoy it while it lasts."And then you nod and agree and inside roll your ey...
Published at shoelace untied
A Decision Has Been Made
This one has really bothered me. It's been weighing on my mind for weeks or months even.I'm not sure why, as I know in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big one.. but I'm still struggling with it.Pavel, I want you to know, that today I made a decision that was best for the family. I think it...
Published at shoelace untied
Love love love love
Love love love love
Sometimes I just stare at you both. A little longer than normal. I watch you eating, playing, making each other laugh.I really do feel so lucky.I wonder what it must be like being a 3 year old again. The taste of lunch made by "my mom", playing with school friends.My little monkeys.The weather is...
Published at shoelace untied
The Truth
I'm struggling. But I'm trying. I'm trying really hard.Or maybe I'm not. I'm at the point now where I just tune out crying. I tune out a 3 year old whining for something I said he can't have 15 times already. I'm just SO annoyed.I don't have the patience to explain it again. To ask you to wait an...
Published at shoelace untied
Life with Kids - Quick Update
Life with Kids - Quick Update
I love my little journal that I have here for the boys.. and I thank you all (hundreds of you! :) for reading.. especially when I don't have much of real substance to share.I'm really loving my family.Pavel just loves to play with Sasha. Is always trying to make him laugh. Pavel has such a big he...
Published at shoelace untied
Thanks Son
"Hey mom! Mom! I see your big bum! Nice bum mom!*Hey mom! Don't break anything with your big bum mom!!!hahahahahahahahahahaha"- This morning as I ran downstairs in my jammie top and undies to grab Pavel some milk.Thanks son!
Published at shoelace untied
So. Sleepy.
This mommy needs a sleep break. One, 24 hour period where I don't have to do a thing. Not answer any questions about how to make dinner or do laundry or bath someone (common sense says.. you'd find a way if I wasn't here to answer your questions!).. 24 hours to only lift my arms to read and eat a...
Published at shoelace untied
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