Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing


Friday, May 09
7:30 PM


Friday, May 09
9:30 PM

Thou Art Here Theatre presents "Much Ado About Nothing", a roving performance in, and around Rutherford House Provincial Historic Site. Thou Art Here Theatre is an emerging Edmonton theatre company creating site-sympathetic Shakespearean adaptations.

An Unconventional Shakespearean Love Story performed in an Unconventional Way

Much Ado About Nothing chronicles two pairs of lovers, Benedick and Beatrice, who are engaged in a �merry war� of wits, disclaiming their disdain for one another and Claudio and Hero, who are rendered practically speechless by their love. Much Ado is a tale of masquerades, courtship, betrayal, and comic ineptness.

We invite you to join us on this theatrical romp which will have you exploring one of Shakespeare's greatest comedies and one of Edmonton's greatest historical landmarks.

More Information
Ticket Information

Event Location

Rutherford House
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2S1

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