UX Edmonton Meetup

UX Edmonton Meetup


Wednesday, February 27
6:00 PM


Wednesday, February 27
9:00 PM

Hi Everyone,

We wanted to invite everyone to a meet-and-greet on Febrauary 27th for what will be the first of our scheduled monthly meetings. We want to encourage people who haven't been to an Edmonton UX event in a while to come out, socialize, meet the team and discuss what exciting new activities and adventures we have planned for the next few months. This will then likely be followed by drinks and mirth.

Our new meeting place will be the tastefully appointed Startup Edmonton the last Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm.

I figured since this has a physical and temporal location, it qualifies as an event.

More Information

Event Location

Startup Edmonton
10363 104 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 5G5

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