There is a You in Value

There is a You in Value


Monday, September 14
8:00 AM


Monday, September 14
12:00 PM

Simon Sinek was a virtual unknown until he delivered his TEDx Pugent Sound talk entitled How Great Leaders Inspire Action, available at ( The talk is one of the all-time most watched TED talks with more that 22 million views and it prompted Sinek to write his best selling book, Start With Why. Sinek went on to write a second book entitled Leaders East Last, which explores the personality traits of leaders who start with aligned higher purpose to motivate their team. The concept of servant leadership is prominent throughout all of this content. Sinek's long time collaborator and business partner, Dave Mead will be the first speaker at our September IPDA events. David's presentation will weave together the messages of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last which both revolve around higher purpose, authenticity and servant leadership.

Mike Abrashoff is the former commander of the US Navy destroyer USS Benfold. The US Navy collects thousands of KPIs used to measure and ranks the performance of every ship they have. When Mike took command of USS Benfold, it was ranked as the worst ship in the US Navy. Mike couldn't change his crew, he couldn't change his mission and he couldn't ask for more money. So, he set about to build a high performance team by empowering his crew to continuously improve their situation within the command and control environment of the US Navy. If Sinek's work establishes the "what" of higher purpose, authenticity and servant leadership, Abrashoff tells us the "how" in easy to understand terms. Mike's message for today's business leaders is that they don't have to change their people; they have to first change themselves.

Our final speaker at our September IPDA event will be Markku Allison who will directly connect the dots between the messages of Sinek/Abrashoff and the work that IPDA members have been doing in our local market. Today in Alberta there are companies driving ever-higher performance by connecting their employee's work to a higher purpose. Today in Alberta, there are servant leaders who have learned how to move the needle by making other people powerfu every day. Markku's closing talk is the proof that change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones that we have been waiting for; we are the change that we seek. This event is not just for those in the real estate industry; it's open to anyone who wants to make a difference in their lives, businesses, communities and project teams!

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Event Location

Citadel Theatre
Maclab Theatre
9828 101A Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3C6

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